Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Two Poops, A Pot of Soup and Some Lost Keys Later...

....and we were out the door. Kind of a gross title, I know, but it sums up my Tuesday. We were headed to a Mom's Club meeting at 10, but had a busy morning before that!!

I swear, something about pregnancy adds this extra wrinkle to your brain that makes a mom more clumsy and forgetful. Maybe not for some, but I know other moms have mentioned the forgetful part. More clumsy for me? Is that possible? Yes. I have been known to close my own arm in the car door. (Yes, that's possible.)

Warning: Long, somewhat boring story ahead. Some may think it's petty, but it was one of those pile-it-on days.

The grin I get when I turn to look at her:)
 Well, this particular morning, I got Lainey up and like I always do, put her in her highchair, fed her and did a few chores while she played with some toys in the highchair. When we have something to do in the morning, we are on a pretty tight schedule. After I fed Lainey, I worked on a pot of soup that Jared would take for lunch for the week. This particular soup should not have been hard. It is a yellow curry shrimp soup. Toss in some curry, saute some veggies, pour in broth, put in shrimp and more veggies and simmer. Well, my newly acquired brain wrinkle prevented this from being an easy task. In the middle of chopping the first batch of veggies, I heard the oh-so-familiar sound of grunting.
Lainey may kill me in a few years for telling you this, so don't tell her I mentioned it! It is not hard to tell when she is...ahem....doing her business. She grunts like a full grown man and her face turns very red. Jared and I find it hilarious and try not to laugh too hard at the risk of giving her a complex. Anyway, I heard the distinctive sound and decided to finish chopping my veggies then change her. Well, I made her wait too long. Just in case you aren't quite familiar with the laws of physics, poop has nowhere to go in a diaper that's being sat in except out the sides. You get the picture....moving on.
Luckily the disaster was contained in her pj's, so I got her cleaned up and went to finish the soup. It was time to add the shrimp and wouldn't you know it, I bought the shrimp that made my life very difficult. I bought the ones that still had the whole shell and the veins in them. Now if you've ever deveined a shrimp, you know that it makes you gag a little just thinking about it. Lucky me, I had to do a whole pound. Got that done and needed to add canned tomatoes. First tomato I pulled out exploded on my shirt (one of my faves). How that happens, I don't know, but it did. I took off the shirt and started a load of laundry. Back to the soup and I finally get that finished.
I was very behind, so I hurridly put an outfit on Lainey and began to pack us up. It took me a good 10 minutes to find my keys. Where were they? In my purse. Really? I had already looked in my purse, but apparently not in the right spot. Ok, soup-check, keys-check, kid-check....walking out the door with Lainey on my hip and what do I hear? Yep, the grunting. Now running five minutes late, I change Lainey again and away we go. We arrive at our destination 20 minutes late, but in one piece (physically).

I know it doesn't sound so bad. Looking back, it's pretty funny. That day, I was flustered, though. It is just a small example of what a mess I have become (a bigger mess anyway).

Yesterday, I forgot to take a shower. WHO FORGETS TO SHOWER??? I do. We swam and then we went grocery shopping and came home. I usually shower after swimming. Nope. Forgot until I woke up this morning. You would think the aroma of chlorine would remind me. I have bumps, bruises and scrapes. I even pinched poor Lainey's leg in the car seat. Maybe it's not a new brain wrinkle, maybe it's a brain function inhibitor.

I think scientists or the medical field should seriously look into this pregnancy/mom condition. I believe that I would be a fine test subject. Anyone else out there need to be considered for the study???

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